Winter 2025

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Rejouer les classiques, on y prend plaisir!
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Replaying classics at ça va de soi...

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New dreaming is essential when times are difficult. It is through imagination that we transform time and compel new futures. — Ben Okri

Some pundits have suggested that the easing of public health measures this summer would beget the return of the extravagance and frills of the roaring twenties in fashion and style5. At ça va de soi, we are instead inspired by the joyful 80s designs of Memphis Milano. Like us, this architecture group built upon past traditions like Bauhaus and Art Déco to create new, thoughtful designs. With the coming of warmer days, we crave bright colours and cheerful shapes. Pieces to liven up our everyday whilst bringing us softness and comfort, the importance of which these past months have only highlighted. Pieces like YAEL  and PATACHOU.

June will undoubtedly bring forth a certain frivolity, as well as a return to a semblance of normalcy. Yet the lessons these months of resilience have taught us will hopefully remain in the collective wisdom. Sunny days and picnics will be best enjoyed with gratitude for our health and that of our loved ones, for finally being able to see our friends in person, and for the essential workers whose constant dedication made these moments possible.

Written shortly after the 2008 financial crisis, the words of poet Ben Okri ring true now more than ever: “If we need a new vision for our times, what might it be? A vision that arises from necessity or one that orientates us towards a new future? I favour the latter. It is too late to react only from necessity. One of our most-neglected qualities is the creative ability to reshape our world. Our planet is under threat. We need a new one-planet thinking.” 6 Indeed, for a lot of us, hopes and aspirations were hindered by the pandemic, and now we have to start anew. As daunting as it may seem, is it not the perfect opportunity to choose better dreams, ones that are aligned with our interior realities and our collective well-being?

Let us revel in our newfound gaiety, while taking time to take care of ourselves and each other. The team at Ça va de soi wishes you a healthy and pleasant summer.

Discover this month’s curation inspired by the Memphis Milano mouvement