Winter 2025

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Les gris


Gray, the quintessential chameleon color. It has always been, for us, a beautiful way to make things timeless!

KARACHI tide race


BOSTON tide race


PABOS tide race


ANTWERP tide race


RENOIR tide race


MONTREAL tide race


SUTRA tide race


GENOA tide race


CANNES tide race


BELIZE tide race/chalk


TEMA tide race


FIALA narwhal


CABOT narwhal


KIRBY narwhal


NESLA narwhal


POLARIS narwhal


GUIREC narwhal


NIMROD narwhal




LANCASTER seal pup


AURORA narwhal


AURORA seal pup


NUNAVIK narwhal


SOLSTICE narwhal


SOLSTICE seal pup


LIV seal pup


ORCA seal pup


FUNDY narwhal


BERING narwhal

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