Winter 2025

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Le cardigan

The cardigan

When you think about it, the cardigan is a sewn blazer redesigned and transformed in a knitted version. And this is exactly what ça va de soi does best: reinterprets a classic, makes it less rigid, more flexible and softer. With or without a collard, short, or long sleeves, zipped, belted, buttoned, longer or shorter, black, ivory or azure-blue, the cardigan is a must- in all its forms.

KIRKBY qiviut


KIRBY narwhal


KIRKBY tundra


KIRKBY black


AGALINA penguin


AGALINA pack ice

Out of stock





JUDY aluminum


JUDY reed


JUDY black


NILE seaweed


NILE dune


NILE river


NILE mediteranean

Out of stock

SEINE foam

Out of stock

SEINE wave


seine seaweed


SEINE dune

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