Winter 2025

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La vie en rose

LEBOU guava


LEBOU tamarind


ZAISAN poppy


MING poppy


MING hibiscus


GOBI poppy


GOBI hibiscus


YAD oxalis


YAD epilobe


YAD marshmallow


FIDIS ladybug


FIDIS oxalis


FIDIS epilobe

Out of stock

FIDIS marshmallow


BARACHOIS seashell

Out of stock

EUPHRATE seashell


JAVANA rhubarbe


SYLVETTE marshmallow/flamingo


SYLVETTE cloud/marshmallow


JOYCE oatmeal


LUDMILLA rosewater


CALYPSO daiquiri


DANIELA oatmeal


MADY raspberry


CONCHITA marshmallow

Out of stock

MUMBAI jasmine


KADIATOU jasmine

Out of stock



FATOU daiquiri


MALAGA guava

Out of stock

MATINA guava


TENERIFE negroni


IBIZA negroni

Out of stock

MATHILDE postbox

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