Winter 2025

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Laine performance - Mérinos ZQ - AH2020

Laine performance - Mérinos ZQ - AH2020

Performance, density, elasticity, shine, durability. This is the reason for our uncompromising choice of this New Zealand ethical fiber also known as ZQ merino.

Technical details

Super120 merino wool, combed

Origin: New Zealand

Thread: Ne 2/48

Average weight of a piece: 215gr

Micron: 17

Gauge 16

Image source:

ALEXANDRE night blue


ALEXANDRE heather grey


CHARLES night blue


CHARLES heather grey


LEOPOLD night blue


LEOPOLD heather grey


MARIUS night blue


MARIUS heather grey


MARLENE night blue


MARLENE heather grey


OCTAVE night blue


OCTAVE heather grey

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